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Functional Movement Reflexology

Because your feet have a say in your health!

Accredited by VHI Healthcare, AVIVA Health, LAYA Healthcare and GLO Health


Meet Marta Lacerda

Functional Movement Reflexologist 
Barefoot Training Specialist
Naboso Neurosensory Specialist®
Interoception and Performance Specialist®

My journey with feet started when I was 2 and I gave my first steps. Yes, it was late and I needed professional help, but I grew up to become an athlete. A swimmer, and later a waterpolo player. I was never very good at land  sports and often used the expression "I have two left feet".

Then one day I tried Reflexology, and I couldn't believe the amount of sensations and emotions that surfaced just by touching the feet. This was the beginning of my healthy obsession with the body and mind connection with feet.  


I finished my Reflexology course in 2017 and it changed my life. I knew then I would dedicate my work life to exploring the amazing world of feet. As an athlete I was always fascinated with movement and I started looking for the connection between how our feet support our body weight while standing or moving and the foot reflexes. It all started to make sense.


I believe feet play a major role on how your body and mind perceive space and the world around you.

Treat your feet and give your body a strong ally in health and longevity!


Here are some of the conditions Functional Movement Reflexology can help with:

Health Conditions:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Sinus

  • Headaches / Migraines

  • Immune System Conditions

  • Digestion and Elimination

  • IBS

  • Fluid Retention

  • SleepProblems

  • ...


Foot Conditions:

  • Plantar Fasciatis

  • Bunions

  • HeelPain

  • Neuromas

  • Joint Tension

  • Flat Foot

  • Severs

  • Balance Issues

  • Nerve Function Issues

  • ...


Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why Functional Movement Reflexology?

Your feet are important because

Biomechanical Foundation

Feet are the foundation for all your body weight while standing, walking, running, dancing...

Neurosensory Integration

Feet are your only connection to the ground. They inform the rest of your body on how to react to the ground for movement and stability.

Space Awareness

Thousands of foot nerves inform your brain of where you are in space allowing you to move safely and efficiently .

They help you Heal and Restore

Eunice Ingham, the mother of modern Reflexology, was the first to realize that foot restrictions could cause problems in the upper body health and upper body weakness could also translate into foot imbalances.

Earthing / Grounding

Feet allow you to absorb the earth's electrons when you walk barefoot.

The two main science-backed benefits of earthing: Reduced Inflammation and regulation of the circadian rhythm.


"My son was very active playing soccer, GAA and Hurling up to the age of 13. However, from the age of 13 he started to suffer from Severs disease which meant he could not train or play in a game for more than 20 minutes.

He could not participate in the Football or Hurling Feile - which anyone GAA parents knows was a huge disappointment.

He was fitted for insole in foot solutions which did not work.

He went to a Physio which didn't work.

Then we heard about Martha.

After ONLY two 30 minutes sessions he was back training and playing full games. Whilst he does still have a little pain after the games, he can commit 100% to the training and to games. We will continue to attend Martha until he has fully outgrown Severs.

If someone had have told me about Martha when my son was 13, he would not have lost 1.5 years of games development which he is now catching up on.

If anyone has a child with any foot pain, I would absolutely definitely recommend that you contact Martha."


Your Foot Journey Starts Here

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Contact Info


01 628 5962

087 721 1708

Maynooth Chiropractic Clinic

Maynooth Business Campus, Unit F1

Maynooth, Co. Kildare


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